Geeks 'R' Us

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

OB's Longhorn/WinFX craze

Why does this seem like Deja Vu to me? I remember the same sequence of events, same interest levels in the fall of 2001.

I know this must have been discussed 100s of times but just wondering whats wrong with Java, Python, PHP (or .NET for that matter)? Why invest in a technology which doesnt even have a market for at least 3 years to come (if we assume Longhorn being *eventually* released some time next year, of course with cut-down features)? Or in a platform that is beaten/thrashed/de-publicized even before its release?

It has to take a _really_ crazy person to design the client in a technology that wont even work on all M$ platforms, let alone the different browsers that are there.

Lets think about how a business behaves. Think about $$cost$$, think about R-I-S-K. Businesses hate that and a new technology invites just that. In short the question is "who wants such applications?".

Maybe I am thinking more philosophically/morally rather than comercially/success-factorly, but anything based on closed standards using proprierty technology is not my cup of tea.

This is not meant to demotivate/demoralize the tremendous effort you guys are putting in coz I know what it takes. Any I am a lazy jerk who is doing nothing but sitting on his seat and saying wateva comes in his head. But the thing is that I want ppl to invest in something that is profitable in the short as well as the long term.

Just a short-visioned rant perhaps....


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